This is just a quickie, but it sometimes amazes me that people spend a lot of time creating a charm or a talisman, but don't do house magic.
Seriously, make your house into the talisman. Draw runes of happiness and joy in secret places. Bury charms in your back yard to draw luck, love and money to you. Slip herbs under your welcome mat to bar entrance of crooks, liars or wee beasties. Chant protection spells over your doors and windows. Imbue everything you eat and drink with healing, beauty and comfort. Call in your ancestors and other spiritual allies for their help in all that you do. It takes time, but living inside of a talisman that is constantly working for your success and well-being is pretty awesome. It's way better than just carrying one around (although that is good too and doing both is better yet).
Of course, it's a lot of work. I've gotten away for from it, but fall is in the air and magic is afoot and some of my plans for this weekend is get the house straightened up and humming with magic.